Media Genesis Solutions LLC
Media Genesis Solutions is a full-service media company specializing in video production, documentaries, promotional videos, video production training, broadcast journalism training, and photography. The president and founder is Melvin McCray III, a former ABC News editor and adjunct professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Media Genesis Solutions has created films for a wide variety of religious, cultural, and educational organizations including NASA, Princeton University, Pratt Institute, the Urban Resource Center, St. Paul Community Baptist Church, the Eagle Academy Foundation, and the New-York Historical Society.
From 2011 to the present, Media Genesis Solutions has created workshops, developed seminars, and created broadcast journalism classes at Princeton University, Cooper Union, Long Island University, the Institute of American Indian Arts College, the Bread, and Roses Cultural Project, the Princeton Summer Journalism Program, Harlem Renaissance High School, My Image Studios (MIST Harlem), the Riverside Church, A. Philip Randolph Campus High School, New Explorers High School, and the Fortune Society. The program trains men and women ages 16 to 24 in journalism, videography, photography, 3D animation, and web design.
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