Harlem Through My Eyes (2019) This work-in-progress documentary produced, directed and edited by Melvin McCray. The film examines the world-famous community of Harlem through the eyes of the people who live and work there. The project is the culmination of six years of interviews comprising over 40 people including human rights activist Harry Belafonte, actress Anna Maria Horsford, journalist, author and educator Herb Boyd and author Terry Baker Mulligan. This preview features the segment on Harry Belafonte. The program was produced in association with Media Genesis Solutions LLC and the Digital Media Training Program under the artistic direction of Melvin McCray. It is part of a bold and comprehensive examination of Harlem through the mediums of documentary film, photography, books, multi-media exhibits, music, and video gaming.
Emmett Wigglesworth, muralist, painter, sculptor, fabric designer and poet, created the Harlem Through My Eyes poster in 2015. He is collaborating with Melvin McCray on a multi-media project to examine the rich cultural history of Harlem.